
  • Phenomenology and Mind

    Phenomenology and Mind is an international, interdisciplinary journal currently run by several Research Centres of Vita-Salute San Raffaele University.
    Born as a space of arguments and comparison of phenomenological and analytical philosophical research.
    Phenomenology and Mind currently publishes the proceeding of the annual PhD School of Vita-Salute San Raffaele Faculty of Philosophy, with world-renowned invited speakers; and a second issue through call for papers on a special topics.

  • Ardeth

    Unlike the many magazines that revolve around the architectural world, Ardeth concerns neither with outcomes (architecture) nor with the authors (architects). Ardeth concerns instead with their operational work, i.e. projects. The shift from subjects (their good intentions, as taught in Universities and reclaimed in the profession) to objects (the products of design, at work within the social system that contains them) engenders an analytical and falsifiable elaboration of the complex mechanisms that an open practice such as design involves. Through a process of disciplinary redefinition, Ardeth explores the falsifiability of design hypotheses as the object that allows the project to scientifically confront errors and approximations.


    For the call for paper clic here:

  • Quaderni di Comunicazione Scientifica

    L'impegno della rivista Quaderni di Comunicazione Scientifica, edita da Rosenberg&Sellier, in collaborazione con Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-IRPPS) e Unità Relazioni con il Pubblico del CNR, è valorizzare e accrescere, attraverso una maggiore comunicazione e divulgazione scientifica, la massa critica di conoscenze.

    I contributi, di interesse collettivo, sono riferiti al settore della comunicazione della scienza in qualsiasi ambito disciplinare.

    La rivista scientifica peer-reviewed presenta le seguenti sezioni: Articoli scientifici (contributi teorici e ricerche empiriche); Case history (eventi, iniziative, Festival scientifici, mostre, etc.); Progetti (campagne di comunicazione esperienze pratiche, etc.); Recensioni.